My Top 5 Goals for 2018
At the end of every year, I like to reflect back on my last year and make goals to better
myself for the coming year. For 2018, the only thing I want is to be healthier. I don't have a
goal like wanting to lose 10 pounds or spend less money (although both of those would be
great!), but my goals are wanting to be healthier both physically and emotionally.
This year, I really want to surround myself with people that bring me up. Whether that be
meeting more motivating women in my business, spending time with friends who are
positive, or having relationships with people who are constantly pushing me to be a better
person. No negative vibes in 2018!
I have been SLACKING on eating healthy over the last three months. Whenever I have a
lot of stress in my life, I always don't eat well or often. I tend to just eat whatever I have on
hand whenever I remember... which normally means not eating full meals and going three
days without eating a vegetable! For this coming year, I have already started making sure I
eat at least three times a day and cook healthier options at home. Also, I always feel
healthier when I don't eat gluten or dairy, so I'm going to work on taking those out of my
diet again. I want to drink more water, eat more vegetables, and go out to eat less!
This past year I did a LOT of traveling and it was rough on my body. After flying back from
Miami last month, I decided to finally start looking for a good probiotic to take while
traveling! I finally found Genestra HMF and it definitely is the brand of choice for those
looking for just the right digestive health solutions while traveling. Being recommended by
doctors for more than 20 years, Genestra HMF probiotics have a longstanding reputation of
setting quality and purity standards. A number of travel-related factors, including unfamiliar
food or water, stress and jet-lag, can affect the composition of our gut bacteria. It is a shelf-stable probiotic offered in a convenient capsule format that can easily be taken anywhere! I
love this probiotic because it's so easy to take while on the go.
I want to make a weekly goal of going to the gym 5x a week! Confession: I have a gym
membership, and I've only gone twice. It's time for me to stop making excuses, and start
making time for my fitness, because it's just as important as spending time with Aimery or
For 2018, I am going to focus on more self-care and self-love. Being a mom, it is SO easy
for me to put Aimery's needs above my own. Getting more sleep, eating 3 meals a day (I
have a bad habit of only eating once around 3pm!), and taking time for myself every day.
Something that helps me focus on self-care is by having something to look forward to every
48 hours that doesn't involve work! It can be going out with my friends for dinner, going to
an event, or meeting a friend for coffee!
I love the new year because it allows us to all make goals for a better life! Comment below your goals for 2018!