Being Summer Shores

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New Season for Being Summer SHORES


The last four months has changed my life forever. If you have been keeping up with us on Instagram, you may have noticed that things have been, well, different. I've been very quiet. I went from sharing every detail of my life on social media to going weeks without posting. Let me finally tell you the secret that I've been hiding for the last few months. 


Four months ago my marriage fell apart and I was given full custody of Aimery. I am now a single parent raising Aimery ALL on my own. Let me just say that I never pictured my life turning out this way. I never imagined getting married at 19, pregnant at 20, having a baby at 21, and then filing for divorce at 22. It was never the plan. I wanted my first marriage to be my only marriage. I wanted my baby to grow up with both of his parents. But I have found over the last three years that staying in an unhealthy relationship "for the kids" just isn't right for anyone involved. And in this case, it was best for us to go our separate ways. 


Aimery will always be my everything. Everything I do is for him. He is my entire world. I never knew how much I could love someone until I become his mother. And that love makes me always do what is best for him. This whole experience has made me the best woman I could possibly be. And even more importantly, it made me the best mother for him. 


Aimery and I have moved back to my hometown (York, Pennsylvania) to live closer to my family and friends. We have experienced so much lack of stability over the last few years, so I believe that it's best for us to settle here for a bit. I now work three jobs to support Aimery and I. Running my own business and working for someone else while being a single mother is definitely as overwhelming as it sounds. It is a lot of long days and even longer nights. But I am SO HAPPY. I feel like I am finally where I'm supposed to be. I thank God every day that Aimery is in my life and I have the opportunity to raise him. I'm also so thankful for all the people that have come back into my life recently and have given me so much support. I love the woman that I have become through this whole process and how strong I have become. There's no looking back.


I went from being Summer Lewis to being Summer Shores (again). Everything is changing. I am going back to the roots of why I started this blog in the first place, to create a positive community of mothers. I will be sharing everything that I go through as a single mother. I will be sharing our life like never before. Subscribe here to continue following us on this journey that isn't always perfect, but is beautiful regardless.