5 Tips for Helping Dogs Soothe Nerves

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx on behalf of Lazarus Naturals


Did you know that dogs may struggle with stress and anxiety just as much as people do? While it can be hard to notice at first, your dog may be trying to tell you something; so pay attention as best as you can! Some ways that your dog might try and let you know they’re feeling off is by tucking their tail, pushing their ears back, trembling, panting, and the list truly goes on. If you notice any unusual activity, that’s when it might be time to discover ways to relax and soothe your furry friend. Our family grew last year when we brought our dog Dimples home, and life has been so great since he joined us! Dimples suffers from general and separation anxiety, so Ben and I have been doing a lot of research and trial-and-error to see what works for us and Dimples. Keep reading to see how we have been working with Dimples to soothe his anxious feelings!


Create a safe space

Whenever I’m feeling anxious, I always go to the same safe space in our home that makes me feel calm and relaxed. I wanted to make sure Dimples had that same “safe space” to call his own, so Ben and I transformed a spot in our home that is just for him. We included his crate, a doggie bed, and all of his favorite toys to help him be comfortable and safe.

Calming music and sounds

Some dogs are sensitive to sound. If yours seems to be, then playing music or calming sounds may not work for you. However, we’ve found that Dimples calms down when we play relaxing music when we aren’t around. Classical, soothing music has been proven to reduce stress in dogs and encourages them to bark less!

Compression wraps

You may have heard of Thundershirts for helping dogs with anxiety during storms, but what you may not know is that they’re not just for during storms! Compression wraps are amazing for making dogs feel snug, safe, and secure during times of heightened stress and anxiety.


In the same way that exercise helps our mood, regular exercise helps to regulate dogs' nerves too. We take Dimples on multiple walks throughout the day to not only help with his physical health, but also his mental wellbeing. Keeping him moving regularly, more than just in our house, has made such a difference for us!


The last thing that has worked wonders for our struggles with Dimples and his nerves has been giving him CBD. Lazarus Naturals sent us some amazing products to try that have made incredible changes to our dog parenting lives! CBD is safe for dogs and can help them with mobility, joint pains, and nervousness. When we can tell Dimples’ emotions are heightened, CBD treats by Lazarus Naturals help him feel more calm and relaxed.  We’ve been trying out the Mobility CBD Dog Treats, Wild Salmon Calming CBD Oil Tincture, Sensitive CBD Oil Tincture, and the Calming CBD Oil Tincture. The tinctures are great for adding to your dog’s food, and help support their immune system, heart health, and skin/coat. Keep reading to learn more about our new favorite pet CBD products!


Mobility CBD Dog Treats: These mobility treats are really great for all dogs. Yes, you heard that right! Whether you’ve got a dog that runs around all day long like Dimples, or a dog that hides during a storm, these treats are sure to allow your pet to live their best life. What’s really great about these is that they’re made with organic pumpkin, green-lipped mussels, glucosamine, curcuminoids, Omega-3 fatty acids and wild Alaskan salmon oil. 

  • Sensitive Pet CBD Oil Tincture: If your pet is sensitive to taste, this tincture is an amazing option. It has a has a lower amount of CBD to accommodate specific pet needs and is perfect for pets like cats, rabbits, or smaller dog breeds.

  • Wild Salmon Flavored Calming Pet CBD Oil Tincture: This wild salmon tincture also has a lower amount of CBD than the other products and is packed with Omega-3’s and wild salmon oil to support your dog’s immune system, heart, and healthy skin. 

  • Calming Pet CBD Oil Tincture: With this calming CBD tincture, pets are able to reap the same benefits of CBD that people do! While the amount of CBD is still lower in this product, like the others for specific needs, pets can still get the full spectrum CBD benefits of this oil.

Interested in trying out CBD for your dog? Lazarus is giving away 500 packs of CBD. Enter below! 


What are some ways that you help your dogs with anxiety? Let me know in the comments below!