3 Self-Care Rituals for Spring

This post was sponsored by MyMasq as part of an Influencer Activation and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.


Those first few days of spring are always some of my favorite days of the year. The warmth after a long winter leaves me inspired to eat more vibrant foods, deep clean my home, and create a new skincare routine. I always say that I’m going to move somewhere warmer because I never realize how hard the winter blues hit until the warmth returns - yet every year I’m pulled back into staying up north to be centered around family and friends. If only I could find a happy medium! Today I’m sharing three of my self-care rituals that I am beginning now that spring is here. Keep reading!

Create a Spring Wellness Routine

During the warmer months, it’s normal for our bodies to crave lighter, healthier foods while we are surrounded by better produce and where we live, lots of farmer markets. I naturally find myself craving fruits and vegetables, and once watermelon season is here, you’ll find our family eating that on the daily. One way you can support your body during the transition from winter to spring is by keeping fresh produce available in your home. Be sure to add some probiotics and leafy greens into your diet, as well.


Supercharge Your Skincare

During the spring, I like to be proactive about building up my skin’s protective layer with sunscreen and gentle facial masks as I spend more time outdoors. My favorite masks to use are DIY ones, where I’m able to treat my skin with exactly what it needs. I love using MyMasq because it is a preservative-free customizable DIY facial treatment that is perfectly designed to help ensure my skin gets exactly what it needs. MyMasq is easily mixed with liquids, fruits or veggies I have on hand to achieve my desired skin benefits to nourish your skin!


It’s so easy to use, simply mix 1 ampule, 1 pre-measured scoop (included) of water, and 1 scoop of your desired mix-in to create your personalized face mask. Let dry for 15 minutes before rinsing with water! I love that it’s for people of any age who want help treating a variety of common skin issues, including dryness, tightness, wrinkles, dark spots, oily skin and more. MyMasq is available at MyMasq.com.


Begin Deep Spring Cleaning

In my opinion, there’s nothing better than a home that is clean and free of clutter. It’s pretty common for spaces to become cluttered and altogether messy during the winter months. And with having a baby at the beginning of the winter, you can only imagine how cluttered our home has become! I love creating lists, so I like to list off all the spaces in my home that need to be cleaned, and share them with my family so we can all be involved. It’s a great way to get the kids involved in keeping their spaces well organized, too! We go through all of Aimery’s old toys and donate the ones that he’s not using, remove winter clothes from our wardrobes, and cleaning out the kitchen cabinets is normally where we start!

What are your spring self-care rituals? Let me know in the comments below!