5 Reasons "Me Time" Makes You a Better Mom

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Hey mama! YOU deserve a break today.


Actually, you deserve a break every freaking day. You deserve time alone. Time without your kids or partner or anyone else on the planet. You need "me time" at least once a day. When you take time for yourself, you become a better parent, and it does NOT make you selfish at all. A few minutes away from your family does not make you a bad mom and is not going to break your family. If anything, having "me time" might make your family stronger.

When Aimery was born, it seemed like I went 18 months without taking one break. There was always something that needed my attention and the only time I spent by myself was when my head hit the pillow at night and I crashed right away from exhaustion. Back then I thought I couldn't make time for myself because of everything else going on. I was a full-time student, full-time mother, working full-time... And there were points where I was doing all three jobs at once. Not taking time for myself lead to me always being exhausted when I should have been enjoying the time I was spending with Aimery. It also effected my health and overall well being. Take it from me... You need some more "me time" in your life. Here are five reasons why!


Oxygen mask, moms. You can not take care of your children if you're an exhausted hot mess express. I read an article once that said motherhood is just like the If You Give A Mouse A Cookie book. If you don't give mom a break, she will lose her mind. And if she loses her mind, nobody will have clean laundry and everyone will starve until the end of time. And nobody wants that. It's time to give mommy a freaking break. 


Your children will survive if you leave them with a responsible caretaker and leave for a short (or long) period of time. It's great for your kids because they learn over time to appreciate the things that you do for them, and it's great for you because you'll come back from your time away recharged and actually wanting to be around your kids instead of feeling like you have to be.



Your health and wellness always has to come first. For me, I have to work out and eat healthy in order to be a good mom. If I don't, I just feel so stressed out and it comes out in the way I parent. So every day, I take time for my health. I really try to take time for myself every day to hit the gym and then come home and mix up a protein shake in order for me to move on with my day. The little things like a 30 minute workout and healthy drink can really make a difference. I've even gone back to incorporating plant-based meals into my diet, and it's really been changing my life. I switched from a whey protein brand to  Solgar Vegan Protein and I already feel 100X better. This protein powder is gluten and dairy-free and includes only plant-based ingredients.


My favorite way to drink the Mixed Berry protein is by blending it with almond milk, bananas, and frozen berries. I also add in a tablespoon of coconut oil and seeds! For drinking it on the go, I fill my iHerb bottle with almond milk and mix in Solgar Protein's Chocolate Coconut powder for work or the gym! I purchase Solgar Vegan Protein off of iHerb. Get a discount off of your iHerb order by shopping from my link



You have to find things you like to do alone and do something every day. Your thing can be going to the gym, or it can be browsing the dollar section at Target. It can be watching at least one show by yourself at night or it can be a ten-minute long shower where the words "MOM" don't come out of anyone's mouth. You have to make time for uninterrupted "me time"


We have got to stop the mom guilt. Guilt is just a downright lie. Do you know one mom out there that has it all together? I'll answer that for you - NO. At the end of the day, all of the "perfect parents" you know are dealing with the same crap (literally). YOU are the only person who gets to tell you how to parent. YOU get to decide how much time you spend with your kids everyday, and how you spend it with them. Do you have an ipad on hand whenever you take your kids out to eat so you can actually eat in peace? Same girl. How about baby-gating your kids in front of the TV for an hour and a half of Boss Baby so you can take a breath? You do what you have to do. Parenthood is all about survival. And don't feel guilty any of it.


Remember to make time for yourself today, moms! You are doing sooo great.