Everything I've Learned Since Becoming a Single Mom

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Today is National Single Parent Day. Today has me really reflecting on the last couple of months and how far I have come since becoming a single mom.  It has been about six months since I became a single parent. If I'm being honest, I had no idea what I was in for. Like I wrote about in this post, I never planned on being a single parent. I had no idea how I was going to be able to handle being a single mom. I wasn't sure what my life was going to look like taking care of Aimery 100% on my own. Here's an update on what the last six months have been like for Aimery and I...

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If I'm being honest, my life has been so much easier since becoming a single parent. For the last six months, I have only been responsible to take care of the needs of Aimery and I. I am putting all of my focus into making us happy. I'm no longer putting effort towards a relationship that wasn't going anywhere or dealing with the emotional stress of being in an unhealthy relationship. I am putting all of my energy towards giving Aimery and I the best life possible. I am in a very healthy place emotionally and I'm the happiest I've ever been. Now it's just me and Aimery against the world. I'm taking it in stride. I'm working really hard, and I'm taking care of him the best I can, and I think I'm doing a really good job doing this on my own. I honestly love taking care of Aimery. 


Don't get me wrong, sometimes there are hard moments where it's not easy doing this on my own. These moments normally come around at 4AM when Aimery is teething, or when he is sick and I have to take him to the doctor by myself. But thankfully I don't have a lot of those moments, because I have some amazing support from my family and friends. I am so thankful that I have them, because they have made this transition so much easier for me. 

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Aimery and I are finally settled here in Pennsylvania. Over the last few years, we have moved from place to place every few months. It is really nice to finally be settled near family and friends without having to worry about when our next move is going to be. Although I never imagined that I would be back in my home town, I'm so glad that I made the decision to move back here. I'm really looking forward to watching Aimery grow up surrounded by people who love him. 

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The last six months have changed my life, and I'm so thankful to be a single mom to Aimery. Happy National Single Parent day to all the hard working, dedicated, single parents out there. You are doing an amazing job and you are not alone on your journey. 

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"Being a single parent is twice the work, twice the stress and twice the tears but also twice the hugs, twice the love and twice the pride."

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