3 Tips for a More Balanced New Year

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It’s that time of year when everyone starts talking resolutions. Did you know that within 3 weeks of the new year, most people give up on their resolutions? I also struggle with keeping up with my new years goals, so this year I truly want to change my lifestyle to make healthy habits that are sustainable all year round! Keep reading for three tips that I use to stay on track with my fitness goals.



Starting small is one of the best ways to keep up with your goals! If your goal is to run a marathon, you probably shouldn’t start sprinting the first day. I have a tendency to aim high and end up making my resolutions unrealistic. By doing so, I often set myself up to get discouraged and never end up sticking to them. For example, you could start by walking a couple miles for a few weeks, then try jogging and finally running after a couple of months. By setting smaller goals along the way you can hold yourself accountable while tracking your progress in increments!



Throughout the years I’ve realized that you have to be internally motivated to make any change in your life. You have to want to change for yourself, not just to please others by having their opinions in mind. Fitness is more than just body image, as I always find my motivation on a path towards health and happiness. I want to be an example to Aimery as he gets older and show him what a healthy lifestyle looks like in all aspects. Having deeper intentions and realizing the various benefits of wellness has made all of the difference when it comes to setting goals and sticking to them! 


I am a firm believer in the fact that confidence can make the biggest change in your mindset. The saying is true, when you look great, you feel great! If you’re going to commit yourself to long term goals you’ll need activewear that is built to last. With adidas, I love that you never have to compromise style for quality! That being said, the Ultraboost 19  are my go to sneakers for running. They have Boost cushioning to deliver remarkable energy return while also providing support during landing and propulsion!
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I always feel the most put together when my outfit matches, so I like to go for matching sets when choosing outfits for exercise. When I get to wear some of my favorite clothes, it makes the activity a lot more appealing. My go-to look is the adidas Universal Standard 3-Stripes ⅞ Tights paired with the Sport ID Tee ! I got it in green, as I think it’s the perfect color year round color. Another way I like to stay on track is by treating myself when I reach one of my smaller goals. You just have to be careful not to use rewards that set you back. For example, a spa day or a nice pair of leggings are some of my favorites. 
Athleisure wear isn’t just for the gym! The adidas Tiro 19 Training Pants and Must Haves Badge of Sport Hoodie have become staples in my closet. I’ll wear them even if I’m just running errands or taking Aimery to school. It encourages me to be active in my daily life and makes a mid day stop at the gym so convenient!

It really is possible to change your life in a year. I’m a totally different person than I was this time last year, or even just 6 months ago! As everyone gets caught up in the idea of resolutions, remember that change isn’t going to happen overnight. By adjusting small things in your life, you can stay committed to the healthy lifestyle you’ve been aiming for. If you start now, you might just end up right where you always wanted to be.