Daily Affirmations for Gentle Parenting
If you’re a parent and you’re struggling in the season of life that you’re in - here’s your reminder that it’s going to be OK! Parenthood isn’t easy. Take a breath. Grab a coffee. Choose whichever affirmations you need to hear today, whether that’s one, two, or the whole list.
I am a great parent no matter the challenges that come my way.
My kids end each day feeling nurtured, safe, and happy.
I am the best mother/father for my kids.
I have more than enough talent and skill to be where I am today.
I am working to be a better parent, but I am still amazing as the parent I am now.
Being a mother/father has shown me that I am strong.
I am kind to myself because I know I am doing the best with what I currently have.
Even in chaos, I create a peaceful and loving environment for my kids.
Being myself is more than enough for my kids - I do not need to be perfect.
I give myself permission to slow down whenever I need to.
Doing less does not mean that I am not doing enough.
Taking time away for myself and for self-care does not make me a bad parent.
I am open and ready to receive help when it’s offered.
All of my hard work as a parent is noticed and appreciated.
My efforts to raise kind, loving children will pay off.
I hope you leave feeling ready to take on the rest of the day! Which affirmation resonated the most with you today?