Posts in Travel

A few weeks ago, we took a vacation to Woodloch Resort in the Pocono Mountains to enjoy some time away! This fall has already has been a busy one for us, so taking a vacation to the best all-inclusive family resort in the Poconos was much needed. I love having the opportunity to travel with Aimery, because it allows me to put all of my attention on him while we do fun things together! We made so many great memories over the weekend - it was a vacation we will never forget!

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How to have a Lake Day with a Toddler

You guys know that I travel with Aimery a lot, especially during the summer! This year, we went to the lake very often, and we planned another trip during Labor Day weekend! Although I love traveling with Aimery, it wasn't always easy! Trips to the lake or the beach can be pretty overwhelming when you have a toddler. But once you are prepared and know what to expect, then vacations do get a whole lot easier and even stress-free! Yes, you can actually enjoy your vacation even with a toddler!

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Kalahari Resort - America's Largest Indoor Waterpark

Last month, we traveled a few hours to stay at Kalahari Resorts in the Pocono Mountains to celebrate National Waterpark Day! This summer has been a busy one for us, so taking a vacation at America's Largest Indoor Waterpark was EXACTLY what we needed. Being a single mom, I don't get a lot of time to give Aimery my undivided attention, so taking him to this family friendly resort was something I will cherish forever. Our entire experience at Kalahari Resorts was a total dream and we had the time of our lives!

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7 Things Moms Should Pack in Their Beach Bag

My favorite part of the summer is heading to the beach. Some days, I really do miss living in Antigua and Florida because I had the opportunity to hit the beach every single day! Although we aren't living anywhere close to the ocean now, my goal was to take Aimery to the beach at least two times! Last month we went to Atlantic City and had a total blast! When I pack for our beach trips, I really try to pack minimally so I'm not lugging around 1000 things while keeping up with a toddler. I've talked before about what to pack for trips to the water with kids, but what about essentials for us moms? Keep reading for 7 things you MUST pack in your beach bag!

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How to Survive a Road Trip with a Toddler and NOT Go Insane

I'm pretty sure there should be a rule that road trips with toddlers should never happen, ever. It's almost as bad as flying with them alone. But it is inevitable that we as parents will be locked in a car for over three hours with a toddler at some point of our lives. Aimery and I tend to do these often because we live what seems to be in-the-middle-of-no-where Pennsylvania where to get to any large city or beach takes at least two hours of driving. It seems like we are going on a long drive at least once every other week - whether we are heading to the airport or going to the beach. But through it all, I think I have finally mastered how to survive on a road trip with Aimery.

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What to Pack for a Lake Trip with Kids

Some of my favorite childhood moments were those spent at the lake. Growing up, my family always went to Deep Creek Lake with our family and friends for a week out of the summer. It was always a lazy, lots of jet skiing week filled with fun memories. When all the kids grew up and life got in the way, trips to the lake every summer weren't a priority with everything else going on. We actually haven't been to that lake in years! I'm SO excited though, because my parents decided to book a lake house for a week this August. Aimery will finally be able to have the same experiences that I did when I was younger, and I'm really looking forward to experiencing Deep Creek Lake with him.

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How to Survive Traveling Alone with a Toddler

Aimery and I do a lot of traveling together - we are always going somewhere! Over the last two months, we did two international trips to Canada to visit Aimery's father. We have decided that right now it's best if Aimery and I travel up to Canada together for visits. After our last weekend visit, I'm pretty confident that I (kind of) know what I'm doing while traveling with a toddler! But let me just say, traveling with a toddler is NOT easy. And doing it alone? Almost impossible. Keep reading to find ways to make traveling less stressful for both yourself and your little one. 

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